Selling Photography Online

It has been a while since I sold my photos, but I am about to start again.  I love photography and have previously worked as a press photographer,  now I use them as an inspiration for my paintings.  My wife an kids often print and frame them, and guests have commented on them, so I have decided to share them again.

The challenge was where to start and how to go about it, as usual I turned to my wife and asked her if she could keep her eyes peeled for any outlets which may be suitable.  She already runs a business on etsy ( which sells digital art for scrapbooking and decoupage as well as crochet which she makes.  This was where she looked and we have decided that often it is better the devil you know rather than start a whole new project, so I will soon have a shop online for instant downloads of digital images!  On writing this, I have not yet actually started the process of setting it up, but there is something about writing it that will help me actualise it 😉  Or as my wife says, if you tell everyone you are going to do it then the pressure is on the complete the task ….

So at this stage I cannot share the link with you, but fingers crossed it will be with us soon – though probably not soon enough that you should be holding your breath!

The plan is to draw on the different aspects which I enjoy photographing the most.  When I was a textile designer I used to photograph flowers, these I am going to now sell, for others to either have as stand alone photos, or to use within their own creations.  The next section will be cars, this will probably be the largest section to start with as it is something I have enjoyed photographing for a long time and have a huge collection.  We used to live in Pau, where the first grand Prix was held, and where every year there are two GPs, a modern and a historic car weekend.  For both of these the streets of the city are closed and turned into a race track – it is amazing fun; if you ever get the chance to go I highly recommend it.  As a result of years of watching both of these I have a huge portfolio which I intent to share on my new shop.

The final section will be photos which have influenced my life, these will be from Cornwall, where I have spent many holidays and have amazing memories.  There will also be photos of other places in France, this will be a mixture of events and views which are ingrained on my mind and which I feel blessed to have seen and been able to capture.

Now I must get back to The Artist, he is currently in pieces and waiting to be complete – I believe he will be one of my finest works – so fingers crossed that this week will see him finished so that framing can be done next week and prehaps added to my exhibition currently showing at Zambezi One Gallery

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